Longue d’Aout

Large, early figs




LdA is a very old French variety, which translates into english as “Long of August”. It was supposedly planted at Versailles in the 1700’s. It sets a good breba crop. The brebas are very large and long, with a light red interior that ripen in July. Though a prolific breba producer, they can be somewhat lacking in quality. The main crop figs are not as large. They are less elongated, but still of good size, with good flavor, juiciness, and sweetness. The main crop is everbearing, ripening in August until frost. They bear very well in wet weather and rain, but do lose some sweetness. According to Baud they dislike heavy soil more than other varieties. It is capable of fruiting after being killed to the ground.


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4×9 Tree Pot, Cutting