
Super cold⛄ hardy


  • common fig type, which does NOT require caprification
  • Super cold hardy
  • Very early
  • Produces a breba crop
  • Very productive
  • Aggressive grower
  • A very sweet fig – can develop light fruity/berry tones as tree matures and figs are allowed to fully ripen

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Florea is among the hardiest known fig varieties, surviving temperatures as low as -4F in NJ. Introduced by herman2, it was brought to America from Serbia, where it was grown in his father’s garden. In Serbia it reportedly survived temperatures of -13F. In addition to its hardiness, it is also often the earliest to ripen its main crop, usually in late July or early August. It is a sweet fig with a good, but not extraordinary flavor. It does not do well with rain or cloudy/cool weather.

Florea is thought to be a synonym for Michurinska-10, which is the most common fig variety in Bulgaria. The name was given more than 50 years ago by Radka Serafimova during her scientific research on varieties of figs in Bulgaria.